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Build products are named using one of the following templates: sqlite-product-version.tar.gz sqlite-product-date.zipTemplates (1) and (2) are used for source-code products. Template (1) isused for generic source-code products and templates (2) is used for source-codeproducts that are generally only useful on unix-like platforms. Template (3)is used for precompiled binaries products. Template (4) is used forunofficial pre-release "snapshots" of source code.The version is encoded so that filenames sort in order ofincreasing version number when viewed using "ls". For version 3.X.Y thefilename encoding is 3XXYY00. For branch version 3.X.Y.Z, the encoding is3XXYYZZ.The date in template (4) is of the form: YYYYMMDDHHMMFor convenient, script-driven extraction of the downloadablefile URLs and associated information, an HTML comment is embeddedin this page's source. Its first line (sans leading tag) reads:Download product data for scripts to readIts subsequent lines comprise a CSV table with this column header:PRODUCT,VERSION,RELATIVE-URL,SIZE-IN-BYTES,SHA3-HASHThe column header and following data lines have no leading space.The PRODUCT column is a constant value ("PRODUCT") for convenientregular expression matching. Other columns are self-explanatory.This format will remain stable except for possible new columnsappended to the right of older columns.Source Code RepositoriesThe SQLite source code is maintained in three geographically-dispersedself-synchronizingFossil repositories that areavailable for anonymous read-only access. Anyone canview the repository contents and download historical versionsof individual files or ZIP archives of historical check-ins.You can also clone the entire repository.
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The similarity metrics used for nearest neighbor evaluations produce a single scalar that quantifies the relatedness of two words. This simplicity can be problematic since two given words almost always exhibit more intricate relationships than can be captured by a single number. For example, man may be regarded as similar to woman in that both words describe human beings; on the other hand, the two words are often considered opposites since they highlight a primary axis along which humans differ from one another.
As one might expect, ice co-occurs more frequently with solid than it does with gas, whereas steam co-occurs more frequently with gas than it does with solid. Both words co-occur with their shared property water frequently, and both co-occur with the unrelated word fashion infrequently. Only in the ratio of probabilities does noise from non-discriminative words like water and fashioncancel out, so that large values (much greater than 1) correlate well with properties specific to ice, and small values (much less than 1) correlate well with properties specific of steam. In this way, the ratio of probabilities encodes some crude form of meaning associated with the abstract concept of thermodynamic phase.The training objective of GloVe is to learn word vectors such that their dot product equals the logarithm of the words' probability of co-occurrence. Owing to the fact that the logarithm of a ratio equals the difference of logarithms, this objective associates (the logarithm of) ratios of co-occurrence probabilities with vector differences in the word vector space. Because these ratios can encode some form of meaning, this information gets encoded as vector differences as well. For this reason, the resulting word vectors perform very well on word analogy tasks, such as those examined in the word2vec package.
The horizontal bands result from the fact that the multiplicative interactions in the model occur component-wise. While there are additive interactions resulting from a dot product, in general there is little room for the individual dimensions to cross-pollinate.
The horizontal bands become more pronounced as the word frequency increases. Indeed, there are noticeable long-range trends as a function of word frequency, and they are unlikely to have a linguistic origin. This feature is not unique to GloVe -- in fact, I'm unaware of any model for word vector learning that avoids this issue.
Parts of the low-lying and easily-flooded Chifeng Basin were not walked over in the pedestrian survey. Geomorphological investigations show considerable uninterrupted accumulation of water-borne sediments across these areas and suggest that they were not suitable for human habitation throughout the past 10,000 years (see Chapter 3.3). This territory is surrounded by surveyed area and is thus included in the other maps presented here. Its limits, however, are provided here for the record in a vector format and two raster formats
In vector format, there is an AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF file called NOTWALK.DXF. It contains three AutoCAD closed polylines on the layer NOTWALK (color Blue). One polyline delineates the maximum extent of the territory that was not walked. The other two polylines, which are completely enclosed within the more extensive one, delineate "islands" within this territory consisting of higher-lying terrain which was walked in the pedestrian survey. Click here to download the file NOTWALK.DXF (92 KB).
In raster format, cell values are 0 for territory outside the maximal extents of the pedestrian survey, 1 for territory that was walked over in the pedestrian survey, and 2 for territory within the survey limits that was not walked in the pedestrian survey. Idrisi raster layers are in NOTWALK-IDRISI.ZIP (a compressed file that contains NOTWALK.RDC and NOTWALK.RST). Click here to download the file NOTWALK-IDRISI.ZIP (94 KB). The GeoTIFF format is in NOTWALK-GEOTIFF.ZIP (a compressed file that contains NOTWALK.TFW and NOTWALK.TIF) Click here to download the file NOTWALK-GEOTIFF.ZIP (96 KB).
While many people continue to use older versions of Jetty like 9.4 for a variety of reasons, we recommend using Jetty 10 or 11 as they represent the version of Jetty that we will actively maintain and improve over the next few years. The decision to use Jetty 10 or 11 depends entirely on which flavor of servlet package name needs to be used. June 1st, 2022 marks the end of community support for the Jetty 9.4.x release branch.
Note: The canonical repository for Jetty is Maven Central. All releases are always available there first and this download page may lag a bit update wise as post release resources are put into place. You can always browse for Jetty releases here.
The command line method should work basically every time, as it will forcibly extract even partially downloaded files. If you know the file is only partially downloaded though (by way of checking md5 hash or otherwise), you really ought to just download the file again.
I was investigating this same issue and found that the Windows Server 2012 box that was generating the zip file was using version 4.5 of PK tools (remember pkzip/pkunzip?) whereas El Capitan only supports zip archives up to version 2.1. Unarchiver was the answer here since it incorporated newer tools.
I tried the Terminal workaround. It did fill in the name of the file after I dragged to the terminal window, but when I hit return, nothing seemed to happen. Where should the unzipped file be? It did not appear on the desktop or in the Terminal window. Should I look somewhere else?
The utilities page contains useful programs that provide extended capabilities for application development and manufacturing support. Engineers should take care to validate output from these utilities. Extreme vigilance should be exercised when dealing with programming/download utilities so that device contents are not erroneously deleted or corrupted.
COMPort_Assignment is a free utility that is used for assigning the COM Port numbers of FTDI devices. It runs under Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. COMPort_Assignment utility is available for download as a .zip file by clicking here.
A version of USBView is available for Linux from -usb/. As with the Windows version, this displays a connection tree of all the USB devices connected to the PC. A version compiled for x86_64 Linux can be downloaded here.
Interviewer: And how long have you been here?Camel spotter: Three years.Interviewer: So, in, er, three years you've spotted no camels?Camel spotter: Yes in only three years. Er, I tell a lie, four, be fair, five. I've been camel spotting for just the seven years. Before that of course I was a Yeti Spotter.Interviewer: A Yeti Spotter, that must have been extremely interesting.Camel spotter: Oh, it was extremely interesting, very, very - quite... it was dull; dull, dull, dull, oh God it was dull. Sitting in the Waterloo waiting room. Of course once you've seen one Yeti you've seen them all.
This error message usually pops up in the middle of a download. Sometimes, it appears immediately when you click the "download" button. And no matter how many times you try downloading your files, the process keeps failing.
Although the error message suggests that the issue is with "a network," this is not always the case. So, let's check out what causes the "Chrome download failed network error" issue and explore all possible solutions.
To check if an extension is responsible for this error, enable incognito mode. This will disable all third-party extensions and allow you to browse privately. From there, retry your download and check if the "failed - network error when downloading in chrome" issue persists.
So, this Windows tool might be the reason you're encountering the "failed download error" issue on Chrome. In this case, you'll need to configure the Windows Attachment Manager settings to resolve the issue.
Developers who want to release a game or app should read the Release License carefully before downloading Cubism SDK. Be aware that a license agreement will be necessary when the game or app is released. 041b061a72